An expandable helical stent is provided, wherein the stent may be formed of an amorphous metal alloy or other non-amorphous metal with a securement. The stent is formed from flat or tubular metal in a helical coiled structure which has an undulating pattern. The main stent component may be formed of a single helically coiled component. Alternatively, a plurality of helically coiled ribbons may be used to form a stent heterogeneous in design, material, or other characteristic particular to that stent. The helical tubular structure may be secured with a securement, such as a weld, interlock or a polymer, to maintain the helical coils in a tubular configuration. The helical coils of the main stent component may be spaced apart or nestled to each other-maintain the tubular shape of the helically coiled stent and prevent the polymer layer from sagging at any point between cycles of the coils.