The invention relates to a device for generating a vacuum for a vacuumcementing device,whereby the device comprises a channel and a connector for a gas cartridge,whereby the connector comprises an opening facility for opening the gascartridge, andthe gas cartridge can be or is connected through the connector to the channelin a pressure-tightmanner such that a gas from the opened gas cartridge flows along the channel,whereby the channel connects the connector to the surroundings of the deviceandthe channel comprises at least one T-piece having a vacuum connector for thevacuumcementing device, whereby the T-piece is provided as a Venturi nozzle suchthat thegas from the opened gas cartridge flowing through the channel generates anegativepressure at the vacuum connector.The invention also relates to a method for generating a negative pressure in avacuumcementing system, in particular having a device of said type, comprising thesteps ofopening a gas cartridge, the gas from the gas cartridge flowing through aVenturi nozzleby means of which the negative pressure is generated, and applying thenegativepressure to the vacuum cementing system.