A syringe integrated with a filter needle of the present invention includes a filter needle part comprising: a filter needle hub in which a syringe needle hub is coupled a filter needle communicating with the filter needle hub and having an injection space into which a syringe needle is inserted and a filter provided in the injection space of the filter needle, is easy to use by simply separating only the filter needle part when an injection fluid is injected into a patient after the suction of the injection fluid is complete while blocking the inflow of foreign substances into the syringe, and enabled to prevent an accident that can occur when the filter needle is replaced. In addition, a blood backflow prevention device of the present invention comprises: a housing having a liquid medicine storing space for storing a liquid medicine supplied through a liquid medicine set connection part and a cut part formed by being cut at one side of the housing such that the liquid medicine passes therethrough, and preventing the liquid medicine, which is between a main body part and the housing, from flowing into the liquid medicine storing space, thereby easily preventing a backflow of blood with a simple structure when a Ringers solution is infused.La présente invention concerne une seringue avec une aiguille filtrante intégrée comprenant une partie daiguille filtrante qui comporte les éléments suivants : un raccord daiguille filtrante auquel un raccord daiguille de seringue est couplé une aiguille filtrante communiquant avec le raccord daiguille filtrante et ayant un espace dinjection dans lequel une aiguille de seringue est insérée et un filtre prévu dans lespace dinjection de laiguille filtrante. Ladite seringue est simple dutilisation, grâce à la séparation aisée de la partie daiguille filtrante lorsquun fluide dinjection est injecté dans un patient une fois laspiration du fluide dinjection achevée. Elle permet le bloquer lentrée de substances étrangères dans la sering