The present invention relates to a method for the production of a set of seeds which are genetically identical to the male gametes from which they arise, comprising placing a limited number of paternal gametes that have the form of tetrads or dyads on the stigma of a flower to fertilize maternal egg cells to obtain a number of zygotes and inducing the loss of maternal chromosomes from the zygotes to obtain a seed set containing a limited number of seeds in which the maternal chromosomes are absent. Suitably, the paternal gametes that have the form of tetrads or dyads are the result of interference with microspore tetrad separation. In a preferred embodiment, the father plant exhibits suppression of chromosome recombination. The invention further relates to a set of seeds containing a limited number of seeds in which the maternal chromosomes are absent, which set is composed of pairs of genetically complementary seeds which when crossed result in essentially the same hybrid, and which seed set is obtainable by the method.