Being reflected without causing the deterioration of distance resolution with the sending and receiving within 2 times whose decrease of image pickup speed is small, by the microphone donkey bull type contrast medium non-alignment the transmission pulse which is spread being reflected the echo signal which it occurs, by general organism organization, the echo signal which it occurs it identifies. Non-alignment being reflected by detecting the difference of phase of the 2nd harmonic component which designates the fundamental component being included in the echo signal as standard, by the microphone donkey bull type contrast medium, non-alignment the transmission pulse which is spread being reflected the echo signal which it occurs, linear by general organism organization, the echo signal which it occurs it identifies. It detects the phase of the 2nd harmonic component, with the phase sensitive detection which designates the square of the fundamental component as the reference wave. Simultaneously, deterioration of distance resolution is prevented by using pulse inversion method for extraction of the 2nd harmonic component which is included in the field echo signal.撮像速度の低下が小さい2回以内の送受信によって、距離分解能の劣化を招くことなく、マイクロバブル系造影剤により反射されて生ずるエコー信号を、非線形伝播した送信パルスが一般の生体組織により反射されて生ずるエコー信号と識別する。エコー信号に含まれる基本波成分を基準にした第2高調波成分の位相の違いを検出することにより、マイクロバブル系造影剤により非線形反射されて生ずるエコー信号を、非線形伝播した送信パルスが一般の生体組織により線形反射されて生ずるエコー信号と識別する。第2高調波成分の位相は、基本波成分の自乗を参照波とする位相敏感検波により検出する。同時に、原エコー信号に含まれる第2高調波成分の抽出にパルス反転法を用いることにより、距離分解能の劣化を防止する。