A mixture of pre-cyanide and methylene cyanide for the treatment and prevention of tracer plates in arteries; supplementary diet; food preparation; Nutracetico; beverages and drugs containing this substance.
The invention relates to a preparation for medical purposes and more specifically to a preparation consisting of the combination of proanthocyanidins such as Pycnogenol or grape seeds and Centella asiatica and/or extracts thereof, for use in the prevention or treatment of atherosclerosis.PREPARACION QUE CONSISTE EN COMBINACION DE PROANTOCIANIDINAS Y CENTELLA ASIATICA PARA TRATAR Y PREVENIR PLACAS ATEROSCLEROTICAS EN ARTERIAS; SUPLEMENTO DE LA DIETA; PREPARACION DE ALIMENTO; NUTRACEUTICO; BEBIDA Y MEDICAMENTO QUE LA COMPRENDEN.