The invention relates to a laminate material element for a hook-and-loopclosure, having a carrier (1) and a textile knittedfabric (2) laminated onto the carrier (1), which fabric has warpstrands (3) that run in the knitting direction, as well as loops(4) incorporated into them, suitable for making a connectionwith hook-and-loop hooks, whereby the carrier (1) and theknitted fabric (2) are not connected with one another over theirfull area. An adhesive forms a lattice pattern, with adhesivestrips (6a, 6b) that intersect perpendicularly and cells (7)that are free of adhesive, whereby the adhesive strips (6a, 6b)run parallel to the warp strands (3) in the knitting direction(W) or perpendicular to the warp strands (3), respectively,According to the invention, multiple warp strands (3) areprovided between two adjacent adhesive strips (6a) that run inthe knitting direction (W).-To be published with Fig. 1B.