T. S amp; Iacute; alcoh amp; oacute; Lica in one experimental body, including the administration of gevokizumab or 2-5 mg canakinumab per kilogram of body weight to a required experimental body; lt; P gt; current invention; oacute; n refers to M amp; eacute; eacute; all treatment or remission S amp; Iacute; alcoh amp; oacute; Lica in one experimental body, including the administration of gevokizumab or 2-5 mg canakinumab per kilogram of body weight to a required experimental body; lt; / P gt;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN MÉ;TODO PARA TRATAR O ALIVIAR LOS SÍ;NTOMAS DE LA HEPATITIS ALCOHÓ;LICA EN UN SUJETO, QUE COMPRENDE ADMINISTRAR GEVOKIZUMAB O 2-5 MG DE CANAKINUMAB POR KG DE PESO CORPORAL A UN SUJETO QUE LO NECESITA.<;/p>;