A tool assembly for leak resistant dissection of tissue includes an anvil anda cartridgehousing a plurality of staples. The anvil and cartridge have a linearlongitudinal portion and atransverse portion positioned distally of the longitudinal portion. The linearlongitudinalportion of the cartridge and anvil assemblies is substantially longer than thecurved distalportion. In use, when a surgical procedure is performed that requires aplurality of cuttingoperations, e.g., a gastrectomy procedure, the first cutting operation isperformed to form asubstantially linear cut line having a curved distal portion that curvestowards a specimen sideof the organ, e.g., the stomach. In each subsequent cutting operation, theproximal portion ofthe tool assembly is positioned with the existing cut line such that atermination point of theexisting cut line is positioned on the specimen side of the tissue or organbeing partiallyremoved.