A color card for recording identification of a body fluid color, comprising a card body, a plurality of color blocks, and a plurality of symbols. The color blocks, corresponding to different colors, are placed separately on the card body for medical personnel’s convenience of recording of patient’s body fluid color. Therefore, the medical personnel only needs to take down the symbol corresponding to the body fluid color, so that all readers can see the same color as the body fluid to improve the accuracy of diagnosis by taking other color card, the same with the medical personnel’s one, as reference.一種體液檢測色卡,包含一本體、多個色塊,及多個符號。該等色塊佈設於該本體且顏色都不同。該等符號佈設於該本體且對應於該等色塊,每個符號都不同。藉此,使用時,由於該等色塊的顏色不同,且該等符號對應每個色塊能作為文字記錄,所以記錄者只要在病歷中紀錄對應的符號,所有的閱讀者就可以查詢相同設計的另一張體液檢測色卡,迅速明白紀錄中的顏色分別,進而做出更準確的醫療行為與判斷病情的功效。200...體液檢測色卡20...本體30...色塊40...符號