ДЕ ВАЛЕ Стейн (NL),ХЕЙНРИХ Адриенне (NL),ДЕ БРЮЭЙН Фредерик Ян (NL)
1. A method for determining the anatomical features of the patient, wherein the patient has the mouth and throat, and the method comprises the steps of: a) projecting at least one structured light structure in the mouth of said patient b) exhibit, at least a reflected light structure, each of said reflected light structures occurs as a result of reflection corresponding to the projected structured light patterns c) analyzing said at least one reflected from a structured annuyu light structure from the viewpoint of said at least one structured light patterns, thus determining, anatomical properties of said patient, wherein each of said at least one structured light patterns comprises a set of predetermined parallel lines and so that said predetermined set of parallel lines defines a structure having regions with high density of lines and areas with a lower density lines, and / or contains regions with increased thickness of the lines and t he area with reduced thickness of the lines, and their projections correspond to predetermined locations in the oral cavity and gorle.2. A method according to Claim. 1 further comprising a polarization of said structured light before reflection structures according to the first polarization mode, and the polarization of said reflected light structures before detection according to the second polarization mode, said first and second polarization modes are protivopolozhnymi.3. A method according to Claim. 1 or 2, wherein the base line between position1. Способ определения анатомических свойств пациента, причем пациент имеет полость рта и горло, и способ содержит этапы, на которых:a) проецируют, по меньшей мере, одну структурированную световую структуру в полость рта упомянутого пациентаb) обнаруживают, по меньшей мере, одну отраженную световую структуру, причем каждая из упомянутых отраженных световых структур происходит в результате отражения соответствующей проецированной структурированной световой структурыc) анализируют упомянуту