DNA damage commonly results from exposure to diagnostic and therapeutic use of ionizing radiation, chemotoxic agents, smoking, diet and even from sedentary lifestyle. It is also a function of aging. Unrepaired DNA damage may result in accelerated aging and various forms of cancers. The invention discloses a method to harness the innate power of repetitive transient ischemia and reperfusion for protecting organs against imminent DNA damage, prevent senescence (aging) and for boosting DNA repair. This method of optimal remote ischemic preconditioning (ORIP) comprises of utilizing a pair of programmable pneumatic cuffs that inflate/deflate alternately occluding blood circulation to each of the limbs for pre-defined time intervals. ORIP can be self-administered and remotely monitored by clinician. ORIP may also be deployed as an adjunct in radiotherapy and chemotherapy for reducing the damage to normal tissue and boosting the treatment efficacy. The apparatus delivers maximal ORIP dose in shortest possible time.