Patent Specification: "Method, Apparatus and Compositions for the Prophylaxis and Treatment of Colony Collapse Disorder". The present invention relates to a method for preventing and treating colony collapse disorder consisting of the use of an automated device that releases a diet specifically calibrated for consumption by bee-raised colonies to be treated. the apparatus comprises a box-like container (10) which accommodates within it at least one liquid-impermeable reservoir accessible from the outside through a nozzle (4), a liquid solution or suspension atomization device contained in the reservoir, means for the application (2, 1) of the atomized liquid solution or suspension in micrometer droplets outside the apparatus, and a control unit programmed to time the application of the solution or suspension to the outside to determine the amount of solution or suspension applied and to give alarm signals in the event of a failure, the apparatus being dc powered with power supplied by a solar panel (5) located outside the container. The liquid solution or suspension comprises tonic and nourishing ingredients, consisting mainly of milk powder, lower organic sugars and acids, antioxidant and antiseptic ingredients contained in plant extracts and bee healing ingredients such as thyme and acid essential oils. oxalic.resumo patente de invenção: "método, aparelho e composições para a profilaxia e tratamento do distúrbio do colapso das colônias". a presente invenção refere-se a um método para prevenir e tratar o distúrbio do colapso das colônias, consistindo no uso de um dispositivo automatizado que libera uma dieta calibrada especificamente para consumo por colônias criadas de abelhas a serem tratadas. o aparelho compreende um recipiente semelhante a uma caixa (10) que acomoda no seu interior pelo menos um reservatório impermeável a líquidos, acessível do exterior através de um bocal (4), um dispositivo de atomização de uma solução ou suspensão líquida contida no reservat