A device and method to quantify a kinesthetic characteristic of a body and/or a multiple limbs motions, wherein the body and/or the multiple limbs are detected by a corresponding multi-sensor unit. The method includes steps of applying the multi-sensor unit to the body and/or the multiple limbs to detect the motions thereof to generate a multiple motion signals, transforming the multiple motion signals to a multiple physic quantities by applying a physic condition definition of the kinesthetic characteristics, and applying a algorithm to processes the multipal physic quantities to map the kinesthetic characteristics of the body and/or the multiple limb to a quantity or a index.一種將複數肢體運動的一運動特性數據化的方法,其中此複數肢體運動係由複數個運動感測單元所感測,此方法包括步驟如下,藉此等複數運動感測單元來感測此等複數肢體運動並產生複數個運動訊號;藉一運動特性要件轉換程序將此等運動訊號轉換成對應的複數個物理量;以及藉由一運算法運算此等物理量以獲得對應此肢體運動特性的一數據。1‧‧‧一多重運動感應裝置2‧‧‧訊號接收及處理裝置21‧‧‧行動裝置21-App1‧‧‧應用程式一21-App2‧‧‧應用程式二22‧‧‧電腦22-SW1‧‧‧軟體程式一22-SW2‧‧‧軟體程式二3‧‧‧特定資料庫4‧‧‧運端資料庫T12‧‧‧有線或無線傳輸通道T13、T14、T2122、T23、T24、T34‧‧‧傳輸通道