A metamaterial structure, forming an atomic forcipes, including a topological conductor, a topological insulator abutting the topological conductor, and a gallery between the topological conductor and the topological insulator. The topological conductor has deuterons as chemical adducts. The topological insulator expresses a net negative surface charge and has paramagnetic properties. The gallery has charged intercalated ions. The topological conductor includes deuterated ferromagnetic graphene sheets. The topological insulator can include a clay sheet disposed between the graphene sheets. The atomic forcipes includes a nuclear magnetic isotope disposed in the gallery and formed as an adduct to the clay sheet. The atomic forcipes includes a transceiver, a transmitter, a receiver, a sensor, or an actuator. Included is a body-machine interface where atomic forcipes is disposed in or on a biological structure. The atomic forcipes transceives acoustic signal or electromagnetic signal, corresponding an ionic signal or an electrical signal in the biological structure.