Yi Seed life Zheng Xiang Prison Visual Xi System, Department includes an at least vital signs Prison Visual devices, one ends Cloud servomechanism and at least one intelligent Electricity Installed are set, the ends Cloud servomechanism is expected on the intelligent Electricity Installed Zhi Neng Even of The with receiving the Number Zhi Capital Zhi the roads Shao mono- Group Surveillance Measuring vital signs News No. Line of Suo Prison Visual Shang life Zheng Xiang Prison Visual devices, enable Medical Nursing Ren STAFF Yu Far end Tong Bu Prison control the vital signs (Vital signs) of more severe sufferers, Yi, that is, Time grasps severe sufferer Qing Condition, once the state of an illness, which goes out Now danger urgency Cheng Du Time, to be known immediately, And Xia Tight Ji Medical Well Come Zuo, that is, Time Office are set, thereby Neng Ti L Zheng Body Medical Treatment efficiency persons.一種生命徵象監視系統,係包括有至少一生命徵象監視器、一雲端伺服器及至少一智慧型電子裝置,該智慧型電子裝置能連上雲端伺服器以接收生命徵象監視器上所監視之至少一組偵測生命徵象訊號線路的數值資料,使醫護人員能於遠端同步監控多床之重症病患的生命徵象(Vital signs),以即時掌握重症病患之情況,一但病情出現危急程度時能立即知悉,並下緊急醫囑來作即時處置,藉此能提昇整體醫療效率者。