The present invention refers to a novel POLYVALENT BACTERIAL VACCINE IN SOLUTION AND SUBLINGUAL APPLICATION, unique in the market, which includes the antigens of the most frequent bacteria that cause infections of the airways, bacterial antigens obtained by a HEAT SHOCK MECHANISM AND a SUDDEN PRESSURE CHANGE, previously described, which enable the inactivation of the bacteria, preserving the protein and polypeptide structure of the bacterial antigens with a higher immunogenic power, also including the diluent used in the FORMULATION of this vaccine, which is a 50% glyserosaline solution, for the sublingual application property, preserving the integrity of the antigen by a longer period of time, as well as its immunogenic power, finally obtaining an inactive vaccine, which is safe, without side effects, with requirements of repeated doses for obtaining an accurate immunoprotection. Antigens STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREUS 180 MILL UFC/ML STREPTOCOCCUS PNEUMONIAE 22.5 MILL UFC/ML KLEBSIELLA PNEUM ONIAE 22.5 MILL UFC/ML BRANHAMELLA CATARRALIS 22.5 MILL UFC/ML HAEMOPHILUS INFLUENZAE 22.5 MILL UFC/ML, 50% gycerosaline solution diluent is an isotonic saline solution with phenol and anhydride glycerol for a final concentration of 50%. This vaccine is of sublingual application and is used with the purpose of stimulating the immune system, providing a specific protection against the main pathogen agents responsible for airways infections.Esta invención se refiere a una nueva VACUNA BACTERIANA POLIVALENTE EN SOLUCION DE APLICACIÓN VIA SUBLINGUAL, única en el mercado, que consta de los antígenos de las bacterias más frecuentes que ocasionan infecciones de vías respiratorias, antígenos bacterianos obtenidos por un MECANISMO DE CHOQUE TERMICO Y CAMBIO BRUSCO DE PRESION, descrito anteriormente, que permite la inactivación de las bacterias, preservando la estructura proteica y polipeptídica de los antígenos bacterianos con un mayor poder inmunogeno, así como el diluyente que se emplea en la