< Topic >In order that the product lady easy and simplicity, is understood the mammary gland effectively personally, it is possible to massage, offer the understanding dedicated mammary gland understanding massage stick of the mammary gland and the sub- mammary gland.SolutionsIt consists of the co-cured plastic, it has the rod 10 because the user grasps, can provide level flaky stretching section 20 in the toe of switch of rod 10, of flaky stretching section 20 concave falling area 21 is formed all over, can provide T shape of character brace section 22 inside concave falling area 21, other than flaky stretching section 20 can provide multiple projections 23 on the surface, the user grasps rod 10, applies projection 23 to the human body surface and in order to rub in direction of the papilla according to the position of the mammary gland, moves, is understood the mammary gland.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】産婦が手軽かつ簡単、効果的に自ら乳腺を疎通させるべくマッサージすることが可能な、乳腺、副乳腺の疎通専用の乳腺疎通マッサージ棒を提供すること。【解決手段】一体成型プラスチックから成り、使用者が握るための棒体10を備え、棒体10の前端に平らな片状延伸部20が設けられ、片状延伸部20の一面に凹陥エリア21が形成され、凹陥エリア21内にT字形滑り止め部22が設けられ、片状延伸部20の他面に複数の突起23が設けられ、使用者が棒体10を握り、突起23を人体表面に当てて乳腺の位置に沿って乳頭の方向にこするように動かし、乳腺を疎通させる。【選択図】図1