"constructive disposition applied to the water collecting base for ornamental vases". the present patent refers to a new constructive arrangement applied to the collecting base of surplus water in the irrigation of plants and flowers grown in pots and xaxins, preventing this water from being exposed and available to insects, especially the females of aedes aegypti who use it for spawning, proliferation of larvae and pupae that give rise to winged adults who transmit the four dengue viruses. thus, the object of this patent is a great ally in the fight against dengue. the "constructive arrangement applied to the water collecting base for ornamental vases" is basically constituted by a base (1) composed of three side faces (2) that have slits (3) designed to receive the flaps (7) of the drawer (6 ). the base (1) can be coupled to a vase (4) or simply be an independent device (5) that can be used together with any type of ornamental vase and can be manufactured in any type of material, preferably plastic, through rotary molding or injection, in order to have holes on its surface (9) surrounding the hole or axial passage and channels or grooves (8) and with the inclination facing the center of the base."disposição construtiva aplicada a base coletora de água para vasos ornamentais". a presente patente refere-se a uma nova disposição construtiva aplicada a base coletora da água excedente na rega de plantas e flores cultivadas em vasos e xaxins, evitando que esta água fique exposta e disponível para insetos, principalmente as fêmeas do aedes aegypti que a utilizam para a desova, proliferação das larvas e pupas que dão origem aos adultos alados transmissores dos quatro vírus da dengue. assim, o objeto desta patente conforma-se como um grande aliado ao combate da dengue. a "disposição construtiva aplicada a base coletora de água para vasos ornamentais" é basicamente constituída de uma base(1) composta de três faces laterais (2) que dispõem de fendas (3) destinadas a receber