The invention discloses a chicken feed capable of improving the meat quality. The chicken feed is prepared from the following raw materials in parts by weight: 60 parts of corn flour, 10 parts of soybean shells, 15 parts of coal ash, 12 parts of pepper shells, 0.005 part of lepiota brunneoincarnata, 7 parts of chestnut shells, 0.01 part of azedarach, 0.5 part of junci medulla, 0.02 part of amber, 0.3 part of radix bluish dogbane, 0.2 part of wild chrysanthemum flower, 0.1 part of eel bones, 0.8 part of green tea, 0.02 part of alum, 0.01 part of vitamin E, 0.04 part of zinc oxide, 0.01 part of camphor, 0.5 part of butterflybush flower, 1 part of fructus cnidii, 0.01 part of otter liver, 5 parts of peanut shells, 0.1 part of gynostemma pentaphylla, 3 parts of lucerne meal, 0.5 part of corn stigma, 6 parts of rapeseed dregs and 1 part of fly maggot powder. The chicken feed disclosed by the invention meets the taste requirements of chicken, can be used for greatly stimulating appetite of the chicken and effectively promoting rapid growth of the chicken and realizes good meat quality, high egg production rate and nutrient-rich and good-taste meat and eggs.