It contains the chemical compound which possesses ovicidal or shooting grub action of the fly, as the active ingredient it is the decomposition advance delay medicine of the cadaver of harmful small animal such as mouse, it is possible, to prevent the external deterioration of the cadaver with the fact that decomposition of the cadaver of the harmful small animal advances because of this it is possible to prevent the secondary hygienic damage which is by the fact that at the same time the grub occurs in the aforementioned cadaver. Arranging the poison feed which combines the chemical compound which possesses ovicidal or shooting grub action of the fly, in the passing road of the harmful small animal or the vicinity of the nest, it makes the decomposition advance of the cadaver of the harmful small animal delay which causes death. Through the cadaver of the harmful small animal which the poison feed which combines the aforementioned decomposition advance delay medicine feeding is done it is possible to prevent the noxious insect.ハエの殺卵または殺蛆作用を有する化合物を有効成分として含有する、鼠等の有害小動物の死骸の腐乱進行遅延剤であり、これにより有害小動物の死骸の腐乱が進行することによる死骸の外形崩れを防ぐことができ、かつ前記死骸に蛆が発生することによる2次的な衛生被害を防ぐことができる。ハエの殺卵または殺蛆作用を有する化合物を配合した毒餌を、有害小動物の通過路または巣の近くに配置して、致死した有害小動物の死骸の腐乱進行を遅延させる。前記腐乱進行遅延剤を配合した毒餌を摂食した有害小動物の死骸を介して害虫を防除することができる。