A masticatory orthodontic device includes a masticatory unit with a rigid body. The masticatory unit is configured to be removably worn on a dental arch, wherein when worn during mastication, the shape of the masticatory unit is maintained even under a stress from occlusal forces. The masticatory unit includes a teeth-receiving surface with several recesses for accommodating teeth of the dental arch. A shape memory mesh is disposed between the teeth-receiving surface and the dental arch, configured to remember the shape of the teeth in target teeth positions to guide teeth movements from initial teeth positions toward the target teeth positions. A buffering member is disposed between the teeth-receiving surface and the shape memory mesh. Occlusal forces loading on the masticatory unit are transmitted to the shape memory mesh and the teeth through the buffering member, to achieve teeth movements in the recesses.一種咀嚼式牙齒矯正裝置,包括咀嚼單元。咀嚼單元為硬質體並被構造成以可摘除方式配戴於牙弓上。當在咀嚼過程中被配戴時,咀嚼單元之形狀即便在來自咬合力的壓力下也保持不變。咀嚼單元包括具有用於容納牙弓之牙齒的凹槽的牙齒接收面。形狀記憶網設置於牙齒接收面與牙弓之間,且被構造成記憶在目標牙齒位置的牙齒的形狀,以引導牙齒從初始牙齒位置移動至目標牙齒位置。緩衝構件設置於牙齒接收面與形狀記憶網之間。加載在咀嚼單元上的咬合力通過具有彈性的緩衝構件傳遞至形狀記憶網及牙齒,以實現牙齒在凹槽中的移動。20‧‧‧下顎牙弓200‧‧‧(下顎)咀嚼單元F1‧‧‧咬合面F2‧‧‧舌側面F3‧‧‧唇頰側面M‧‧‧形狀記憶網S‧‧‧緩衝構件X1‧‧‧咬頭特徵X2‧‧‧咬窩特徵