#$%^&*AU2014233654A120160414.pdf#####ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a method for using selected varieties of non-basmathi paddy to produce milled rice and products thereof with higher protein content, low glycemic index and improved culinary properties. The resultant rice product and by product are desired because they have low glycemic index (<55%) which reduces the risk of hyperglycemia and also suitable for reduction of obesity. Such processed rice with lower glycemic index (GI) will be needed for the traditional rice consumers, particularly the diabetic subjects who will otherwise be advised to consume non-rice cereal, grains. 21Process Flow Chart - I Process - I stage Paddy inflow PADDY RECEIPT IN TRUCKS Paddy receipt in trucks paddy Weighs ELECTRONIC Weighs and recordsWEGR paddy weight VEHICLE INSPECTION & PADDY SAMPLING Vehicle Inspection POOLED SAMPLE PROCESSING paddy sampling acceptance & conditional acceptance & rejections AN YSIS REPORT ACCEPTED CONDITIONALLY FAIL ANALYSIS PAIL PASS 0C CLEARANCE REJECTED Paddy Analysis Moisture content < 14% Physical check Anylose, Protien and fibre content Quality clearance UNLOADING Q.C passed paddy STORAGE Storage Fumigation Fumigation Lot assignment LOT ASSIGNMENT