FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: apparatus comprises a blood sampling device in the form of a controlled suction pump a lymph sampling device in the form of a dropper tube with a drop sensor a blood and lymph flow splitter a purification contour consisting of a lymph storage container, pumps and lymph and blood filters a filtrate unit, a control unit, to which all the above units are electrically connected and also a reinfusion unit in the form of the dropper tube. One of the pumps of the purification contour is connected to evacuate the lymph from the lymph storage container to supply it to the filter, and the other one - to evacuate the lymph from the lymph storage container to supply it to the reinfusion unit. The filter is provided with a filtrate discharge tube into the filtrate unit, which has two inlets: one is an outside inlet to recover filtered toxic elements, and the other one is connected to the reinfusion unit to return good filtrate elements. The blood sampling unit is connected to pump over the blood through one of the flow splitters into the purification contour filter, and through the other splitter into the reinfusion unit, from which the purified blood travels back to the patients venous bed. There are also provided an eluent supply unit hydraulically connected to the storage container and an electromechanical mixing unit mechanically connected to the storage container. Both of these units are electrically connected to the control unit.EFFECT: improving the device.4 cl, 1 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинской технике. Аппарат включает устройство отбора крови в виде управляемого отсасывающего насоса устройство отбора лимфы в виде капельницы с датчиком капель распределители потоков крови и лимфы контур очистки, состоящий из накопительной емкости для лимфы, насосов и фильтра для очистки лимфы и крови фильтратный блок, блок управления, к которому электрически подключены все перечисленные блоки, и блок реинфузии в виде капельницы. Один из насосов контура оч