This Chong, which makees Ti Gong mono- Seed Ji Zhui Measuring Liang Apparatus , Department, to be had:Yi Knot He Jia BodyTwo handle , Department Let Yu The Knot He Jia Body Two Side Office and be in parallel Like statesAnd two the Di Ge Installed Let District Office , And of the Ge Let Yu The Knot He Jia Body of Yao Rod , Department with Inner Side Chao Wai Pour are oblique Er Xie Let Yu The Installed Let DistrictSo far, Let whats The Knot close the With that respectively holds of frame Body Office respectively to support waist Rod Department are respectively in phase Right Said Like states, and The Knot close frame Body center Office more Let and have the flat amount Measuring Installed of a water to set, and the center Office that Department Let what The Knot close frame Body is in fixed Like states, with for the flat degree Measuring amounts of horizontal waterAnd one vertical amount Measuring Installed set, Department Let what The Knot close the center Office of frame Body, Department for vertically to Measuring amountsThereby, Ti Gong mono- Seed are by horizontal and vertical side Shi Measuring amounts, and Ke Kuai Su Inspection Measuring go out the function person of vertebra Side Bend With Pelvic obliqueness.本創作提供一種脊椎測量儀,係具有:一結合架體;二握把,係設於該結合架體兩側處而呈平行狀態;及二抵腰桿,係各設於該結合架體之各裝設區處,並以內側朝外傾斜而斜設於該裝設區;至此,設於該結合架體處之各握把與各抵腰桿係各自呈相對稱狀態,而該結合架體中央處更設有一水平量測裝置,係設於該結合架體之中心處呈固定狀態,用以供橫向之水平度測量;及一垂直量測裝置,係設於該結合架體之中心處,係供垂直向之測量;藉此,提供一種藉由水平及垂直方式測量,而可快速檢測出脊椎側彎與骨盆歪斜之功能者。1‧‧‧結合架體11‧‧‧上結合架12‧‧‧下結合架13‧‧‧連結端14‧‧‧裝設區2‧‧‧握把21‧‧‧結合區22‧‧‧握持區221‧‧‧握套3‧‧‧抵腰桿32‧‧‧抵觸端33‧‧‧對準刻度4‧‧‧水平量測裝置5‧‧‧垂直量測裝置