PURPOSE: A complex natural antiseptic containing Rhus javanica L., Anemarrhenae rhizoma, and Ailanthus altissima swingle extract is provided to be applied to cosmetic products, mouth wash, and pharmaceutical products.CONSTITUTION: A complex antiseptic contains Rhus javanica L., Anemarrhenae rhizoma, and Ailanthus altissima swingle extract. The complex antiseptic also contains methyl gallate, anemarsaponin, stigma sterol, and cinnamic aldehyde. A cosmetic product contains 0.001-40 wt% of the complex antiseptic. A feed additive contains Rhus javanica L., Anemarrhenae rhizoma, and Ailanthus altissima swingle extract, methyl gallatae, anemarsaponin, stigma sterol, and cinnamic aldehyde. A feed contains 0.001-40 wt% of the feed additive.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2012본 발명은 붉나무, 지모, 가죽나무 및 계피 추출물의 혼합에 의해 제조되는 복합 천연 방부제로서 광범위한 활성을 나타내어 화장품, 가글, 마우스워시 및 의약품에 응용이 가능하고, 항생효과가 있어 사료첨가제로 유용하게 사용될 수 있다.