The present invention relates to an artificial transcription factors, including polydactyl zinc finger protein that the promoter of the gene that is involved in non-conforming wound healing of the eye (maladapted wound healing) and target (polydactyl zinc finger proteins). Such artificial transcription factor, retinal gliosis, treatment of proliferative vitreoretinopathy, proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and fibrotic contraction retinopathy, such as epiretinal membrane (fibrocontractive retinal disorders), and fibers associated with glaucoma surgery it is useful in the treatment of proliferative.本発明は、眼の不適合創傷治癒(maladapted wound healing)に関与する遺伝子のプロモーターを標的とするポリダクチルジンクフィンガータンパク質(polydactyl zinc finger proteins)を含む人工転写因子に関する。そのような人工転写因子は、網膜グリオーシス、増殖性硝子体網膜症、増殖性糖尿病性網膜症、および網膜上膜などの線維収縮性網膜障害(fibrocontractive retinal disorders)の治療、および緑内障手術に伴う線維増殖の治療に有用である。