Composition comprising the Adenylate Cyclase Activating Polypeptide (PACAP); pituitary Veterinary Combination comprising a Molecule PACAP and PACAP antiviral; and use for the treatment of Infectious Diseases caused by viruses in aquatic organisms.
The present invention relates to the use of pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide (PACAP) in the treatment of viral diseases and infectious diseases caused by viruses in aquatic organisms. PACAP, alone or combined with an antiviral molecule, demonstrated its effectiveness by increasing the survival of fish or crustaceans infected by viruses when it was administered orally, by injection or by immersion baths. Furthermore, it was observed that treated organisms keep or increase its weight as compared to infected and non-treated organisms. PACAP or PACAP-containing combinations decreased the viral load in tissues and organs susceptible to viral infections as it was determined by RT-PCR.<;p>;USO DEL POLIPÉ;PTIDO ACTIVADOR DE LA ADENILATO CICLASA DE PITUITARIA (PACAP) PARA PREPARAR LIFL MEDICAMENTO Ú;TIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE INFECCIONES VIRALES Y ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS CAUSADAS POR VIRUS EN ORGANISMOS ACUÁ;TICOS; COMBINACIÓ;N VETERINARIA QUE COMPRENDE AL PACAP Y UNA MOLÉ;CULA ANTIVIRAL SELECCIONADA ENTRE UN ANÁ;LOGO DE NUCLEÓ;SIDO Y LA AMANTIDINA; USO DE LA COMBINACIÓ;N PARA PREPARAR UN MEDICAMENTO Ú;TIL EN EL TRATAMIENTO DE INFECCIONES VIRALES Y ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS CAUSADAS POR VIRUS EN ORGANISMOS ACUÁ;TICOS.<;/p>;