The structure of an arc-blade type acupuncture needle is mainly composed of a needle handle portion and a needle body, the needle handle portion is connected with one end of the needle body, and the other end of the needle body is a needle tip portion, and the needle tip portion is When it is not magnified 200 times, it is sharp-pointed, and when it is magnified 200 times, it is arc-shaped. The range of the arc-blade shape refers to the corresponding curvature formed by the inner fillet of 35°~180°. And the corresponding arc is further obtained by a circle having a first corresponding circle smaller than the diameter of the needle body, and an arc obtained by matching the range of the segment formed by the inner fillet, and the arc is connected to the needle body or the phase Cut to form the needle tip of the creation of the arc-shaped shape. Because the needle tip of the arc-shaped shape of this creation is not a pointed shape but a curved edge shape, it can be used as acupuncture needle therapy as well as traditional acupuncture needle therapy. As a soft tissue lesion, the micro-therapy is applied, and when the angle of the fillet is smaller, the corresponding arc of the segment forming the arc-edge shape is shorter and more blunt, and the micro-vessels and nerves can be avoided during the acupuncture treatment. The fascia is immediately traumatized, and when the angle of the fillet is larger, the corresponding arc of the segment forming the arc-blade shape is longer and slightly blunt, which can stimulate the face during acupuncture treatment. Specific muscle groups and acupuncture points to promote facial muscle contraction and increase skin regenerative power.一種弧刃型針灸針之結構,主要係由針柄部和針體所構成,該針柄部和針體的一端相連接,針體的另一端為針尖部,其特徵在於:該針尖部之未放大200倍時係呈尖點狀,而放大200倍後係呈弧刃型狀,該弧刃型狀之區段範圍係指內圓角為35°~180°所構成之相對應弧度,而該相對應弧度又由一小於針體直徑之第一對應圓所具有之圓,係和內圓角所構成之區段範圍所吻合而獲得之弧,而該弧並和針體相連或相切而構成本創作之具有弧刃型狀之針尖部。由於本創作所具有之弧刃型狀之針尖部,非為一尖點狀而係為弧刃型狀的緣故,所以在作針灸針療法時,除可同時作為傳統針灸針療法外,還可作為軟組織病變沾黏撥離微型治療,且當內圓角角度愈小時,則構成弧刃型狀之區段