System for protecting plants from hail is consisted of the carrier (2) for mounting on a pillar (1) with foldable rotary wings (5) and nets in which holes (17) are made as outlets for ice. Simple montage and plant protection from undesired harmful precipitation in secured against hail with anti-hail nets or excessive insolation with shading nets, as well as with a type of plantation protection from rain “Rain Stop”. Rotary wings (5) of carrier (2) can be opened and closed easily through a mechanism located on the console, manually or automatically, so that the protection net is simply put in the needed position above the plantations. As a part of entire system in the fields, between the cables (10) the net carries holes (17) for ice that efficiently take away the ice out of the plantations and thus relieve the system.Sistem za zaštitu bilja od grada se sastoji od nosača (2) za montažu na stub (1) sa sklopivim obrtnim krilima (5) i mreža u kojima su izvedeni otvori (17) za ispust leda. Obezbeđena je jednostavna montaža i zaštita biljaka od neželjenih štetnih padavina grada protivgradnim mrežama ili prekomerne insolacije sa mrežama za senčenje, kao i vrstom zaštite zasada od kiše “Rein stop“. Obrtna krila (5) nosača (2) mogu se otvarati i zatvarati lako pomoću mehanizma koji se nalaze na konzoli, ručno ili automatski, tako da se zaštitna mreža jednostavno dovodi u potrebni položaj iznad zasada. Mreža na sebi, kao deo celokupnog sistema u poljima između sajli (10) nosi otvore (17) za ispust leda koji efikasno odvode led van zasada i time rasterećuju sistem.