the subject invention devices are presented, the methods and system, which is a new way for nemote\u010dega sensing physiological parameters in opazovan\u010devem living environment and a new way to detect the parameters of functional health.the invention is based on a set of sensors which are installed in the vehicle with the specific living space, which opazovanec comes in contact with their everyday activities, so that it presses them or to them.sensing components are intended for measuring the coupling or potisnesile, presvetljenega or ram fotopletizmografskega signal and temperature opazovan\u010devih fingers or palms and accelerometers for drawing or pushing. the invention also includes processes, which is calculated from the measured data, the parameters of which are on the functional health opazovanca.essential are the heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, blood pressure, and the temperature profile of the traction force and physical fitness opazovanca accelerations or indicator.all measured values are time synchronised to the strojnemnivoju and packages are installed in the computer system, which retain the information record of events, identifies the opazovanca and allows access to the computer network, so far, to the stored data.communication links allow the integration of additional external sensory devices in the system of the invention, as the demand for stored data subsystem for reasoning about new parameters from the recorded measurement subsystem for remote diagnosis and maintenance system of the invention.Predmet predstavljenega izuma so naprave, postopki in sistem, s katerim je omogočen nov način nemotečega zaznavanja fizioloških parametrov v opazovančevem bivalnem okolju in s tem nov način ugotavljanja parametrov funkcionalnega zdravja. Izum temelji na sklopu senzorjev, ki so s posebnim nosilcem vgrajeni v elemente bivalnega okolja, s katerimi pride opazovanec v stik pri svojih vsakodnevnih opravilih, tako da jih povleče ali nanje pritisne. Senzor