The invention concerns a method for producing an aqueous albumin solution fromastarting albumin solution which contains stabilizer molecules which arecapable of occupyingbinding sites of the albumin, wherein in a method for increasing the albuminbinding capacity(ABiC) for other molecules, at least a portion of the stabilizer molecules isremoved from thealbumin of the starting albumin solution and separated from the startingalbumin solution. Tocarry out such a method, by means of which a stabilized commercial startingalbumin solutioncan be prepared in a manner which is simpler, faster, cheaper and in a mannerwhich is gently onthe albumin by removing the majority of the stabilizers and increasing thealbumin bindingcapacity, the method comprises steps in which the starting albumin solution isbrought intocontact with a solid adsorption material the affinity of which for at least aportion, preferably allof the stabilizer molecules is higher than the affinity of the albumin for thecorrespondingstabilizer molecules, and the albumin is separated from the adsorptionmaterial; wherein themethod is carried out at a pH of >; 3.