FIELD: medicine, phytotherapy.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to preparing agents of plant origin showing immunomodulating, antibacterial, anti- -inflammatory and antiviral effects and nonspecific antibacterial, antiviral, anti- inflammatory and sedative effects also. Agent has, weight %: extractive substances from Echinacea purpurea L. herb (coneflower), 2.5-5.0, among them hydroxycinnamic acids (as measured for chicory acid), 0.04-0.70 and 35-40% ethyl alcohol, the balance or agent has, weight %: extractive substances from Echinacea purpurea L. herb (coneflower), 2.5-5.0, among them hydroxycinnamic acids (as measured for chicory acid), 0.04-0.70 and 20-70% ethyl alcohol, the balance. Method relates to also the method of preparing agent showing the general tonic, immunomodulating, immunocorrecting, antioxidant, radioprotective, antitumor, antibacterial, anti- inflammatory and antiviral curative effects. Method of agent preparing involves extraction of Echinacea purpurea L. herb (coneflower) with 20- 70% ethyl alcohol at the room temperature by method of multiple percolation. Obtained extracts from each stage are mixed and obtained mixture is settled. Before extraction stages Echinacea purpurea L. herb (coneflower) is ground and heated at 35-40°C for 0.5-3.0 h. Extraction is carried out mainly with 40% ethyl alcohol aqueous solution by method of five-fold percolation in the general ratio raw : extractant = 1: 5 and in the ratio raw : extractant = 1:1 at each stage of percolation. Biologically active substances in tincture are in the optimal, the most active and available form for human body.EFFECT: improved method of preparing, valuable medicinal properties.14 cl, 2 dwg, 10 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к получению средств растительного происхождения в качестве иммуномодулирующего, антимикробного, противовоспалительного и противовирусного средства, обладающего неспецифическим, антимикробным, антивирусным, противовоспалительным и седативным действием. Сре