On the basis of the all up weight of the constituent, approximately 50 weight % - approximately 99.9 weight % or more the cyanoacrylate monomer of one or two and, approximately 0.1 weight % - approximately 5 weight % or more the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of one or two (NSAID) with, it includes, the medical application adhesion agent composition. As ideal NSAID, you can list eve professional foehn and acetamino foehn. As a result the constituent which is obtained tissue bud cell breeding augments in comparison with the constituent which does not contain NSAID, decreases cell virulence.組成物の総重量に基づいて、約50重量%~約99.9重量%の1つ又は2つ以上のα-シアノアクリレートモノマーと、約0.1重量%~約5重量%の1つ又は2つ以上の非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID)と、を含む、医療用接着剤組成物。好適なNSAIDとしては、イブプロフェン及びアセトアミノフェンが挙げられる。その結果得られる組成物は、NSAIDを含有しない組成物と比べ、線維芽細胞増殖を増加し、細胞毒性を低減する。