injection device to hold and activate a two-chamber ampoule. an injection device for retaining and activating a two chamber ampoule comprises components whose relative movement displaces the pistons of the two chamber ampoule for mixing substances as well as devices for injecting the mixed product in this manner. For this purpose, a housing 101 is provided with a container (103) in which the two-chamber ampoule (111) is insertable and lockable, the container (103) is movable by means of a carriage (108). in the container (103) is disposably disposed a tappet (104) requesting the plungers (111a, 11b). For carrying out the mixing stroke, penetration stroke, injection stroke and a retraction stroke, a pull cable (114) is provided which is deflected through a roller (109) disposed in the carriage (108) and whose end it is connected with the container (103) and the other end with a pull spring (110) which is retained in the housing (101). automatically and / or manually maneuverable mechanisms between the housing (101), the container (103), the tappet (104) and the carriage (108) maneuver their reciprocal coupling with the draw cable (114) and thereby , the sequence of mixing stroke, penetration stroke, injection stroke and retraction stroke. Thereby, the invention creates a semi-automatic injection device for two-chamber ampoules, whose handling comfort and patient safety are substantially improved.dispositivo de injeção para reter e ativar uma ampola de duas câmaras. um dispositivo de injeção para reter e ativar uma ampola de duas câmaras apresenta componentes, cujo movimento relativo desloca os êmbolos da ampola de duas câmaras, para mistura das substâncias, bem como dispositivos para injeção do produto misturado desse modo. em uma caraça 101 está disposto, para esse fim, um recipiente (103), no qual a ampola de duas câmaras (111) é inserível e fixável, o recipiente (103) é deslocável por meio de um carro (108). no recipiente (103) está disposto de modo deslocável um