The invention relates to a mechanical one-row seeding apparatus for small and very small seeds, intended for sowing bulb and root vegetables, both for field crops and for modelled beds, in agriculture. According to the invention, the apparatus comprises a rotor (A) placed in a casing (1) laterally closed with a cover (2) using a butterfly nut (3), where the rotor (A) comprises two discs (4) which, depending on the type of seed to be spread, have laterally cut a number of grooves (a) and centrally, on a single row, a number of cells (b) obtained by cutting a hole having a diameter d and a depth A crossing in an axle of a diameter D with another hole of a diameter d and depth A arranged under an angle α, between the two discs (4) there being a scraper (5) mounted by means of some pins ( c) provided inside the casing (1), the rotor (A) resting on a slide bearing (d) located between the casing (1) and the cover (2) and, by means of a piece (6) and some screws (7), the motion of the rotor (A) is axially limited, it being driven by a shaft (B) comprising a chain wheel (8) secured by means of a resilient pin (9), on an axle (10), the double seeds within the cells (b) of the discs (4) being scraped using a brush (11) fixed with a screw (12) and secured with a nut (13) in the casing (1), while, in order to recover the seeds which however reach past the brush (11), the casing (1) is provided with a stop (d) that leads the seeds through a hole (e) into a box (14).Invenţia se referă la un aparat de distribuţie mecanic, pentru seminţe mici şi foarte mici, pe un rând, destinat semănatului culturilor de legume bulboase şi rădăcinoase atât în câmp, cât şi pe straturi modelate, în agricultură. Aparatul conform invenţiei are în componenţă un rotor (A) dispus într-o carcasă (1) care este închisă în lateral cu un capac (2), prin intermediul unei piuliţe (3) fluture, rotorul (A) este alcătuit din două discuri (4) având practicate, în funcţie de sămânţa distribuită, pe lateral, un număr