Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение "Северо-Кавказский научно-исследовательский институт горного и предгорного садоводства"
Шомахов Лев Аслангериевич (RU),Бербеков Владимир Нажмудинович (RU),Заммоев Аслан Узеирович (RU),Темиржанов Ильяс Османович (RU),Карданов Казбек Хазешевич (RU)
The utility model relates to agricultural engineering. The purpose of the utility model is to increase the reliability of the secateurs. The secateurs contain pivotally connected cutting 4 and opposing knives 5, connected by levers 1 and 2 with a handle 3 and a hydraulic cylinder 8, on the lever 1 of which an eye 11 is made with a stop 12 from the side of the hinge of the levers, to which the elastic element 6 is pivotally connected in the form of a bent П -shaped brackets made of spring steel, the free ends of which are folded inward to the brackets and secured to the eye 11, and on the beam of the bracket, which is the free end of the elastic element 6, there is a sleeve-wheel 7, which in the working position of the elastic element interacts with the other secateurs lever and rolls over its surface when the bracket is bent, and its articulated end rests on the stop 12 of the eye 11. The operator performs the cutting process by squeezing the levers 1 and 2 with the handle 3 with the hand, while the cutting knife 4 and the cutting knife 5 converge and cut the branch. The elastic element 6 rests on the abutment 12 of the eye 11 of one arm and bends under the pressure of another arm. After stopping the compression of the levers, under the action of elastic forces, the levers move apart to their original position. In the same way, the elastic element works when the electro-hydrodynamic drive 8 is working. Upon completion of work with the secateurs, by spreading the levers, the elastic element is turned into an inoperative position in which, by sliding the levers, the secateurs become compact and safe. The proposed secateurs have a simpler design and high reliability, It provides high comfort for the operator due to the absence of problems with the spring. 1 ill.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению. Целью полезной модели является повышение надежности секатора. Секатор содержит шарнирно соединенные режущий 4 и противорежущий ножи 5, связанные