Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Юго-Западный государственный университет" (ФГБОУВПО "ЮЗГУ") (RU)
Мохамед Авад Али Абдо (RU),Кореневский Николай Алексеевич (RU),Филист Сергей Алексеевич (RU),Шаталова Ольга Владимировна (RU),Богданов Андрей Сергеевич (RU),Кассим Кабус Дерхим Али (RU)
1. Biotechnical control bioimpedance containing the mobile unit and a computer, wherein the mobile unit is further enabled wireless interface, is carried out through radio communications with the mobile unit EVM.2. Mobile unit according to claim 1, containing active and passive electrodes and their current leads, the electronic module, a wireless interface and a battery power supply unit, characterized in that its body is made as a hollow cylinder, closed on one side conical cap, and on the other hand - a cylindrical cap inside which the membrane is fastened perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the cylindrical housing, in which center one end of the active electrode rod is fixed, while its other end is mounted in axially e opening conical cap and the electronic module and on the outer surface of the housing mounted passive electrode made in the form of a conductive ring, a button, a wireless interface and a battery power supply, a common wire which is connected to the passive electrode and the first terminal of knopki.3. Electronic module according to claim 2, comprising an amplifier coupled to the active electrode, characterized in that it additionally administered serially connected resistor, a first terminal of which is connected to the active electrode, a second amplifier, a microcontroller, a second analog input of which is connected to the output of the first amplifier, his second digital port connected to the second terminal of the button, and the third digital port - a wireless interface, a digital to analog converter, and a third amplifier, whose output is connected to the second vyv1. Биотехническая система контроля биоимпеданса, содержащая мобильный блок и ЭВМ, отличающаяся тем, что в мобильный блок дополнительно включен беспроводный интерфейс, осуществляющий через радиоканал связь мобильного блока с ЭВМ.2. Мобильный блок по п.1, содержащий активный и пассивный электроды и их токоподводы, электронный модуль, беспроводный интерфейс и аккумуляторный бл