FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely ophthalmosurgery, and aims at predicting visual acuity (VA) after phacoemulsification of mature and almost mature cataract in high-grade myopia. Ophthalmic examination is performed in patients with mature and almost mature cataract and myopia of high degree before surgical intervention: visometry, refractometry, pneumotonometry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, ultrasonic biometry. That is followed by examining the periphery of the retina using ultrasonic biomicroscopy (UBM) and examining the vitreous body by ultrasonic beta scanning. Based on the obtained values of the anterior-posterior axis of the eye, the presence or absence of posterior staphyloma, the height of the posterior vitreous detachment (PVD), the height and length of the retinoschisis in the upper-external, lower-external and upper-internal segments, the height of the inclusions of the retina in the internal segment, an index probability of achieving VA Y by the claimed formulas.EFFECT: method enables high-accuracy determination of groups of patients with low and high visual predictions after cataract surgery that will help in selecting a further therapeutic approach, making a decision on the feasibility and feasibility of conducting phacoemulsification in the prediction of low postoperative VA, taking into account an increased risk of intra- and postoperative complications in the patients with mature and almost mature cataract and myopia of high degree, as well as timely prevention of retinal complications by evaluating the complex of the most significant indicators.1 cl, 2 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к офтальмохирургии, и предназначено для прогнозирования остроты зрения (ОЗ) после факоэмульсификации (ФЭК) зрелой и почти зрелой катаракты у пациентов с миопией высокой степени. Пациентам со зрелой и почти зрелой катарактой и миопией высокой степени до выполнения хирургического вмешательства выполняют офтальмологическо