The present invention relates to a fruit bag coated with a bird repellent. The fruit bag comprises natural oil component as effective component, and has excellent bird repellency. The fruit bag coated with a bird repellent substantially reduce damage of fruit caused by wild birds. The natural oil component comprises capsicum, thyme, peppermint, lavender, menthol, methyl anthranilate, cinnamate, and starfish.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2016본 발명은 조류기피제가 도포된 과수봉지에 관한 것으로 천연오일성분을 유효성분으로 함유하는 기피성이 뛰어난 과수봉지를 제공하는 효과가 있고 야생 조류로 인한 과수작물의 피해를 현저히 저하시키는 뛰어난 효과가 있다.