FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to gynecology and oncology. Method for predicting the potential malignity of the ovarian tumor in women of reproductive age, including collecting obstetric-gynecological history, performing ultrasonic examination with detection of characteristics of new growths and their subsequent score, characterized by the fact that the ultrasonic examination assesses the type of tumor structure, evaluating cystic tumor in 0 point, 1 point of cystic solid formation, 3.3 points of a solid tumor; absence of growths on an internal capsule of formation is evaluated in 0 points; their presence in 1 point; hemodynamic blood flow index RI is measured. RI value equal to 0 is evaluated as 0 points; RI values from 0.01 to 0.33 are evaluated in 1.3 points; values RI from 0.34 to 0.66 are evaluated in 1.7 points; RI values from 0.67 to 1.00 are evaluated as 2.2 points. Patient's metrorrhagia is 1.7 points; its absence in 0 points; age of puberty of patient from 10 to 11 years is evaluated as 0.1 points; from 12 to 14 years in 0 points, and 15 to 16 years in 1.7 points. Obtained data are summarized to calculate risk of malignancy of ovarian tumor in women of reproductive age by formula from description. If the value of p is greater than or equal to 50 %, the risk of malignancy of the ovarian tumor is considered to be high; if p is less than 50 %, the risk of malignancy of the formation is considered to be low.EFFECT: invention is intended for prediction of potential malignancy of ovarian tumor in women of reproductive age.1 cl, 3 exИзобретение относится к медицине, в частности к гинекологии и онкологии. Предназначено для прогнозирования возможности озлокачествления опухоли яичника у женщин репродуктивного возраста. Способ прогнозирования возможности озлокачествления опухоли яичника у женщин репродуктивного возраста, включающий сбор данных акушерско-гинекологического анамнеза, выполнение ультразвукового исследования с выявле