Курдюмов Владимир Иванович (RU),Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Хайбуллина Лилия Нурисламовна (RU)
The invention relates to agricultural machinery, in particular to ridge seeders for planting row crops. Raised bed planter includes fixed on the frame grebneobrazovateli, sowing machines, following rollers. Grebneobrazovateli contain rack lancet paw blade and arm. The blade is made spherical and is mounted on the inner side of the wing lancet legs at an acute angle to the direction of movement is adjustable and the angle of displacement of the blade height relative to the cutting edges of the wings lancet paws and fixing in position. The concave surface of the blade directed towards grebneobrazovatelya movement, and each pair of blades mounted symmetrically relative grebneobrazovateley line sown seeds. Before you set foot grebneobrazovatelyami-openers. Each leg-opener comprises a rack, knife-like stance, pointed a paw, sowing tube. Knife-like rack is installed on the axis of symmetry lancet paws. The reception is set on top of the knife-like rack. Between the wings lancet legs parallel to the cutting edges of the wings lancet paws is a plate in the form of an isosceles triangle and the sides are rigidly secured to the inner sides of the wings lancet paws. The plate is made horizontal groove. Sowing tube is mounted vertically on the axis of symmetry above the horizontal legs lancet slot plate and the rear side lower part of the sowing tube configured vertical groove. Packer rollers comprises a frame, spherical discs packer rings axis rod with the spring and arranged for grebneobrazovatelyami. Such a design of the raised bed planter will improve the quality of planting row crops and soil formation over the ridges seeded seeds.Полезная модель относится к сельскохозяйственному машиностроению, в частности к сеялкам для гребневого посева пропашных культур. Гребневая сеялка включает закрепленные на раме гребнеобразователи, высевающие аппараты, прикатывающие катки. Гребнеобразователи содержат стойку, стрельчатую лапу, отвал и кронштейн. Отвал выполнен сферическим и установл