An adjustable soft palate support and an implantation method are provided. Theadjustable soft palate support is a flat implant made of a material capable ofbeingimplanted into a human body for a long term, including a hard palateconnecting end and asupport. The support is a flat implant capable of being inserted into a softpalate, and isconnected to the hard palate connecting end. The hard palate connecting endincludes aconnecting structure and an adjustment mechanism connected to a hard palate.Theconnecting structure on the hard palate connecting end is configured to fixthe support tothe hard palate, and the adjustment mechanism on the hard palate connectingend isconfigured to control the movement or a curvature of the support or a liftingdegree of thesoft palate. Since the hard palate connecting end is fixed to the hard palate,and thesupport is implanted into a muscular layer of the soft palate, a relaxed andcollapsed softpalate and a root portion of a tongue are lifted by using the hard palate as asupporting point.Since swallowing occurs frequently in a non-sleep state, the adjustmentmechanism is set tobe in an on state, so that the support implanted into the soft palate can movewith thenatural swinging of the soft palate, so as to reduce interference withswallowing; and beforesleep, a control key of the adjustment mechanism on the hard palate is pushedwith a fingeror an apex of tongue to set the adjustment mechanism to be in an off state, sothat thesupport implanted into the soft palate can lift the soft palate, and change acentral axis ofthe soft palate during natural swinging by lifting the soft palate towards thetongue root, soas to enlarge an airway of a pharynx during breathing, thereby achieving theobjectives oftreating snoring and obstructive sleep apnea/hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS).