FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, in particular to ophthalmology. Anamnesis is collected with assessment by point system of symptomatic complaints of patient P: 0 points - absence of complaints, 1 point - periodic weak opacifications, 2 points - periodic moderate turbidity, 3 points - intermittent turbidity, 4 points - permanent pronounced turbidity. When performing ophthalmoscopy, the structure of the vitreal cavity is examined by using non-contact dioptres lenses 60, 78 through a slit lamp, stating the absence of D = 0 or the presence of D = 1 opacity of the vitreous body. If they are available, additional studies are carried out, such as determining the distance from the vitreous body to the retina and lens by ultrasonic scanning. This examination is initially performed visually in all eyeball planes. Distance from turbidity to the retina (L1) and to the lens (L2) is then measured and evaluated in points as equal to 1 at a distance of more than 3 mm or as equal to 0 at a distance of less than 3 mm. Risk factors (N) are identified, which can reduce acuity and/or field of vision, for which an optical coherent tomography of macula, periphery of retina, optic nerve, perimetry, and in the absence of risk factors N = 1 point, availability of N = 0. Further, the obtained test results are used to determine readings for YAG-laser vitreolysis of floating turbidity by calculating the coefficient (K) by the original formula. If K = 0, absence of readings for YAG-laser vitreolysis is determined. If K >; 0, the presence of indications for YAG-laser vitreolysis in floating opacifications of the vitreous body.EFFECT: method enables optimizing the indications for YAG-laser vitreolysis by enabling to prevent a risk of developing complications, improving visual functions and improving the quality of life.1 cl, 2 ex