The invention relates to a method for producing denture parts or for toothrestoration. According to said method, to reconstruct a tooth requiring repairor a defective condition, at least some of the missing exterior surfaces ofdenture parts or tooth restorations are adapted to the existing residual toothmaterial and/or the opposing teeth and/or the position of the neighbouringtooth and/or the occlusion position, by means of the optimisation of a genericdental-model data record of the desired tooth type, thus varying the linearfactors of at least the most important components, (determined from theelectronic data records of a larger number of measured tooth surfaces byprimary axis analysis methods), in such a way that the selected optimisationcriteria are fulfilled by the minimisation of an error function. After thesuccessful adaptation of said surfaces to the residual occlusion position andthe completion of the data record, the reconstructed denture part or thereconstructed tooth restoration is machine-manufactured.