A round pan-like shaped device with at least one opening in the bottom toaccommodate aplant stem or trunk, having at least one aperture in the bottom to permitwater to escape to the plantroots and an exterior wall extending upward from the perimeter of the bottomof the device. Theexterior perimeter wall is dimensioned to fit inside of and down into acircular pail a desireddistance and includes a plurality of stand-off ribs are spaced around andproject outwardly fromsaid exterior of said exterior perimeter wall and abut said pail side wallleaving a space betweensaid pail side wall and said exterior of said perimeter wall of said device,whereby said device canbe slid up or down more easily inside of pail. The horticulture deviceprovides a basin for directingwater to the roots of a plant, helps to control weeds because it acts as aweed barrier, and retainsmoisture around the root by slowing evaporation.