1. An automated apparatus for measuring blood pressure, comprising: a cylindrical housing at least three elastic intermediate plates, each of which has a base and a front end, wherein the base is fixed at a predetermined location on the inner side of the cylindrical body, and the front end extends helically along the inner circumference of the cylindrical body airbags for urging the intermediate plate, for compression of intermediate plates disposed between the cylindrical body and respective intermediate plates and measuring air chambers disposed on inner sides of respective intermediate plates, so that the front end of one intermediate plate extends radially inwards over and overlapped with an overlap of at least the nearest neighboring base intermediate plate located ahead of the front kontsa.2. Automated apparatus for measuring blood pressure of claim 1, wherein the air chambers for urging the intermediate plates are replaced by measuring airbags formed so that each measuring air chamber located radially inwardly of the one intermediate plate, extends in the opposite direction over the base of said one intermediate plate and then along the inner circumferential surface of the cylindrical body, so that the intermediate plate as a function of stuffy chambers for urging the intermediate plastin.3. Automated apparatus for measuring blood pressure of claim 1 or 2, wherein the axes1. Автоматизированное устройство для измерения кровяного давления, содержащее: цилиндрический корпус по меньшей мере, три упругие промежуточные пластины, каждая из которых имеет основание и передний конец, при этом основание закреплено в заданном местоположении на внутренней стороне цилиндрического корпуса, а передний конец продолжается по спирали вдоль внутренней окружности цилиндрического корпуса воздушные камеры для поджатия промежуточных пластин, предназначенные для сжатия промежуточных пластин, расположенные между цилиндрическим корпусом и соответствующими промежуточными пластинами а та