Belov Yurij Vladimirovich (RU),Белов Юрий Владимирович (RU),Charchyan Eduard Rafaelovich (RU),Чарчян Эдуард Рафаэлович (RU),Skvortsov Aleksej Alekseevich (RU),Скворцов Алексей Алексеевич (RU),Stepanen
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, particularly to cardiovascular surgery. Sternotomy is performed. Artificial blood circulation is connected. Hypothermia is reached to 26–28 °C. Selective antegrade perfusion of cerebrum is performed, selective pharmaco-cold antegrade cardioplegia. Ascending aorta and an arch are opened longitudinally. Excised intima is excised. Aorta is transected below left connective artery in isthmus area. Through the introducer installed into the true aortic canal, under the X-ray control through the femoral artery, a conductor – PigTail is delivered to a level of the aortic arch. Soft string is then introduced along the guidewire, sticking as a dotted line in the distal end of the vascular prosthesis to 10 thoracic vertebrae and above the level of deviation from the aorta of the celiac shaft. Thereafter, the proximal portion of the string is directed back into the guidewire and pushed down until the proximal end of the string exits the introducer mounted in the femoral artery under the control of a transesophageal echocardiography. After positioning the prosthesis, the conducting string is removed by traction in one of the ends, with parallel fixation of the vascular graft in the distal anastomosis area.EFFECT: method enables reducing the volume of the second stage of the operation, due to the length of the descending aortic reconstruction, using less traumatic access without the use of artificial or auxiliary blood circulation.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к сердечно-сосудистой хирургии. Выполняют стернотимию. Подключают искусственное кровообращение. Достигают гипотермии до 26-28°С. Выполняют селективную антеградную перфузию головного мозга, селективную фармакохолодовую антеградную кардиоплегию. Продольно вскрывают восходящую аорту и дугу. Выполняют иссечение отслоенной интимы. Пересекают аорту ниже отхождения левой подключичной артерии в области перешейка. Через интродьюсер, установленный в истин