Tiadiazoles and Oxadiazoles derived Compounds, inhibitors of the biosynthesis of triglycerides; Preparation procedure; Intermediate Compounds, Pharmaceutical Composition and use for Treatment and Prevention of Obesity, dyslipidemia, conditions of impaired fasting Glucose, Type 2 diabetes, among others.
Compounds derived from tiadiazoles and Oxadiazoles,Inhibitors of the biosynthesis of triglycerides; Preparation procedure; intermediary Compounds; Pharmaceutical Composition and use for Treatment and / or prevention of ObesityDyslipidemia, conditions of impaired fasting Glucose, Type 2 diabetes, among others.Compuestos derivados de tiadiazoles y oxadiazoles, inhibidores de la biosíntesis de triglicéridos; procedimiento de preparación; compuestos intermediarios; composición farmacéutica; y uso para el tratamiento y/o la prevención de obesidad, dislipidemia, afecciones de alteración de la glucosa en ayunas, diabetes de tipo 2, entre otras.