An endoscope with a flexible circuit board comprises: a base mounting frame, a flexible circuit, a photosensitive element, a plurality of light emitting elements and a camera. The flexible circuit board, the photosensitive element, the light emitting elements and the camera can be mounted on the mounting frame, and then the mounting frame can be assembled in a pipe to form the endoscope, which greatly improves the ease of assembly, and consequently reducing the labor cost required for assembly. Furthermore, the flexibility of the circuit board reduces the volume of the endoscope and improves applicability.本創作提供一種具有軟式電路板之內視鏡裝置,其是藉由將攝像裝置先組裝於基架上,而基架與攝像裝置之間再貼附設置軟式電路板,軟式電路板上電性連接感光元件及發光件,各構件可先組裝於基架上,再將基架連同各構件組入外管內,可降低組裝難度,同時減低組裝所需耗費之工時及成本,而也因是使用該軟式電路板,軟式電路板具有撓性可彎折的特性可彎折適應基架及攝像裝置,避免增大體積,而確實達到小型化之目的,並同時能提高使用的適用性。